Don’t ever underestimate the ​impact that you and your business have on others. As a business that helps companies find their greatest assets . . . their people (in our case, at the executive levels), our responsibility is enormous. These are life altering decisions for everyone involved . . . everyone.

Candidates typically come with a package deal which includes spouses, partners, children, pets, etc., all of whom are affected by a change in one’s employment.

Hiring managers have the responsibility to select talent that will both strengthen and add value to the team while not being disruptive in a damaging way. ​A new executive hire impacts our client’s productivity and profitability. ​I never lose sight of that.  It’s a huge responsibility, one which keeps me up at night regularly.

When “closing deals” in our industry is seen as more important than valuing the impact we have on ​others . . . it speaks volumes. ​​Doing the latter doesn’t make you soft . . . it makes you human​.

#30monthguarantee #Hiringdecisionsarelifealtering